Winston Churchill – Rene Kraus (tenth large printing) A WWII biography of Winston Churchill


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Warrior, writer, prophet and statesman, Winston Churchill captured the imagination of England while still in his twenties and of the world in his middle age. Scion of one of the greatest families in England–his grandfather was Duke of Marlborough–Churchill included in his heritage the verve inherited from his beautiful American mother. His restlessness took him from the dull routine of barrack life at Sandhurst and plunged him into the Cuban rebellion both as soldier and as correspondent for a London paper. He continued his dual role of soldier-correspondent in India–where his dispatches regularly scooped the arm bulletins–in the Sudan with the expedition against the dervishes, in South Africa during the Boer War. His incredible flight from the Boer prison is one of the greatest escape stories ever told. At the age of twenty-six Churchill rode into Parliament on a wave of popularity seldom seen in the modern times. At thirty he held a government post; at forty was a member of the Inner War Cabinet. But his party loyalty was suspect. Churchill had only to see the shadow of Hitler from afar to become the first anti-Nazi in England. But his voice was not heeded by the policy-makers as England moved down the road toward Munich. Only when the darkest hour had come was he called to the helm. Today, square-hewn, fearless, defiant, Churchill stand as the great adversary of barbarism fighting the fight of humanity.